Friday, May 2, 2008

Ohmigosh, Hi!

Internets, I have become that person that is terrible about staying in touch. You know, the one you see on the street every once in a blue moon who you did a show with who never, ever follows through on plans or calls when they say they will? They spend the first and last 2 minutes of the conversation saying "I'm the worst friend ever!" and "No, seriously, let's do a monthly lunch. I'll call you at 2:54 pm on Tuesday. I'm so bad, really!" instead of just owning and reveling their own flake-i-tude.

I will not embarrass myself by apologizing any more - I think we know how lame I am.

A series of things have happened that have been utterly terrifying this week on a variety of levels.
  • I'm not sure which was more traumatizing, the stirrup pants I saw at Express (which at least they have the decency not to have on their website) or the wall of Beef Jerky* that greeted me as I turned the corner at the local Duane Reade (a drug store...cause who knows when you'll be trapped underground for an indeterminate amount of time without food. Better have that jerky in your bag!).
  • My therapist apparently didn't have me on the books Wednesday because we crossed wires about our new schedule. This is the first time this has happened in the mumble years I've been seeing her. I full on thought she was dead. If you ever think you don't have abandonment issues, try that scenario on for size. A ridiculous combination of I-hope-she's-okay and what-am-I-gonna-effing-do-if-she's-NOT-okay! went on. Awesome.
  • I realized I have 3 weeks before I leave for summer stock to get off book on 2 plays and get my entire apartment/life together.
  • I've misspelled about 6 words in this post that I never knew I spelled wrong: misspelled was actually one, reveling, and embarrass. Oh, the irony.
*[First off, let it be known I love beef jerky. In doing a search for a beef jerky link, I found, the best page is the Customer Testimonials page. It's what happens at 4:15 am. Below is one of the scintillating stories contained on said page.

From: Dave
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004

Me and my friend Michelle at work have been talking alot about jerky. Then we tried your jerky. And we love it. She wanted to find something low carb to snack on. I said, 'Have you tried Jerky?" She said, "Yeah, I love jerky." Well then try jerky.

Now we both love your jerky. Thanks so much for the jerky.

Dave and Michelle
New York, NY

I can't imagine what other fascinate conversations these two have over the cubicle wall. I dare you to used the word 'jerky' today as much as possible.]

Seriously, I'm the worst ever. I'll post soon!

Love, me


  1. I really need you to start taking pictures of things like the wall of jerky. I need visuals!!!

    Especially as you're headed to Colorado.

    In further news, did you see the Project runway entrance during Ugly Betty Thursday night? Hot mess, indeed. Catch it on No, I'm not paid to blog about that site. I watch TV while I work so I don't axe murder someone. (insert pleasant, chilling smile here.)

  2. OMG, Chris, chicken! Awesome.

    Nancy, I know, I was kicking myself for not having my camera. I have no idea how to transfer pictures from my camera phone to the computer. Have no fear, I'll have it from now on!

  3. Dahlink PC user, here's how you can find images without taking them yourself:

    (1) Go to

    (2) Search on "jerky"

    (3) When the results pop up, click on the link in the upper-left-hand corner of the page that says "images"

    (4) Right-click on the image you like and copy either "Copy image" or "Copy image link"

    (5) Come back here to your blog and either copy the image in OR use the following html tag:


    except for one thing -- where I type "(" you type "<" or ">" okay?

    Et...voila. Jerky porn.

  4. Am i the only one in here that finds a whole wall of beef jerky absolutely frickng sweet?

    Cmon...seriously?! Seriously.

    I am going to make jerky this weekend. I got a few recipes from and i think i am going to come up with my own 'hybrid' recipe.

    But then again...I dont know why i am telling you guys this. The only other people that probably care are Dave and Michelle from New York, NY.

  5. I frickin' love the internets.

    And, seriously, y'all, if you've ever thought about making your own jerky from, um, ANYTHING, check out
