Sunday, December 30, 2007


Ah, New Year's...

The actual event I find a huge relief; it signifies one more year survived, another chance at...whatever I'm pretending to pursue.

The festivities surrounding the event, however, are as abhorrent as Halloween to me but in a totally different way. At Halloween, people dress in trashy costumes, drink too much, and act crazy and stupid on the streets of Manhattan. On New Year's...wait a minute. Well, the major differences are that everyone congregates in. my. neighborhood. AND every single one of those people is part of a couple. I considered having people over but remembered that 1) I hate not being able to leave a party, and 2) I have no single friends. Not happening.

I just watched the movie Once, a modern day musical you must see. Very touching, well written and acted, good cinema, and great music. And by all that I mean, I sobbed all the way through, but that could have something to do with my PMS.

In the spirit of feeling like I had any right to write about yoga, I took a class today. And by 'take a class' I mean: 'I unwittingly waltzed into a yoga studio thinking I knew anything about the practice and/or my body, and calmly had my ass handed to me as I slid out the door on my (considerable) belly after 90 minutes of abuse.' My friend Rafi pointed out that what I had read as Flow 1/2 clearly stood for 1+2 to the 30th power. Noted. I literally laughed at one point, I was so lost. The teacher kicks ass but was leading using only sanskrit for stretches at a time. HA!

If I can move tomorrow, bring on the new year. If I can't, I'm gonna push it back a few weeks. Wish me luck.


  1. Ah, New year's. I stopped trying to do anything on New Year's except play piano duets with Mom and struggle to stay awake until midnight to grab whatever musical instruments are near and play Auld Lang Syne on the front porch. In Harmony, of course. I've agreed to undergo a party this year, with the understanding that I get to leave ANY time I want. I think I want you! I'll be sending you a kiss at midnight!

  2. Good for you! Miss you. Mmmmwah.

  3. Happy New Year Anna!

    Best to you in Yoga and humor.

  4. Happy new year wonder woman. I am VERY excited to see what trouble you get up to in 2008... xoxoox

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