Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I got a friendly nudge today to return to the cyber world (thanks J!). After about 10 full days of being disgustingly sick, I'm just now returning to the land of the living.

Today I helped a friend paint her apartment. We had such a good time! What is it about helping someone else around their house that's so liberating? I am never happier than when I can help someone else get stuff like this done (put in dimmer switches, do the dishes) but cannot even force myself to sweep my floor. It's a little ridiculous.

I'm super tired but just wanted to check in - I'm alive!


  1. Fine. Please get your self out here and fix my closet situation. I will personally scrub your kitchen with my toothbrush the next time I'm in town. Deal?


  2. ok, I'll nudge you again. Give us more! MOre!

